The SVVMIF is a 501c(3) approved tax-exempt organization. EIN and contribution statements will be furnished upon request. Corporations wishing to contribute as a Corporate Sponsor are welcome to contact the foundation.
The SVVMIF is a 501c(3) approved tax-exempt organization. EIN and contribution statements will be furnished upon request. Corporations wishing to contribute as a Corporate Sponsor are welcome to contact the foundation.
The SVVMIF is pursuing additional grant opportunities with State- and National-level organizations.
The SVVMIF is pursuing additional grant opportunities with State- and National-level organizations.
Veteran Service Organizations may take it upon themselves to raise funds for this project.
Veteran Service Organizations may take it upon themselves to raise funds for this project.
Additional funding resources are shown below:
Additional funding resources are shown below:
Walmart Roundup Program Walmart Spark Good |